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In the distant postapocalyptic future of Samsara, broadcast television is bigger than ever. We even have as many as 28 channels to choose from! These include SLAC, VILE, FCIN, HEAD, OWMYBALLS, HAMMER, PROP, SKNX, FUKT, DETH, CASHTV, WOOM, RLTY, FNN, ANYPORT, BADMIN, QVC, SCI, ICS, OCHO, HELLFIRE, FITE, SENATE, BLOODBATH, FCBS, FU, WAVE, and KOPS.

Generally, channels can be divided into two different categories: those which are a live broadcast of the happenings in a room, and those which... aren't.

Room Channels

  • VILE: VILE Air Studio, in the WU building. This used to be something.
  • FCIN: Air Studio, also in the WU building. Features Tricia Takanawa, who says amusing things of little value and makes the channel essentially a non-room channel with extra steps.
  • WOOM: Woom. (In Slagtown.)
  • CASHTV: The poker table, in the Casino.
  • ANYPORT: Any Port. Probably the most used Room Channel not counting FCIN.
  • BADMIN: Execution Platform, in the Skullcano.
  • ICS: The Fight Club in Panopticon Prison.
  • OCHO: Somewhere in The Acres. The least used Room Channel, because you can't even get here.
  • HELLFIRE: Hellfire Club. ;3
  • FITE: In The Pit. Whee, PvP! Cheer on your friends!
  • BLOODBATH: In The Colosseum. Whee, PvE! Cheer on your friends!
  • SENATE: Senate Lounge (the core, outside of time). I have no clue what this is.

Other Channels

  • SLAC: Propaganda from the Church of the Subgenius.
  • PROP: Propaganda not from the Church of the Subgenius.
  • HEAD: ???
  • OWMYBALLS: Footage from the Ow My Balls Surveillance Panopticon, which records genital hits from everywhere and anywhere on the entire MOO.
  • HAMMER: ???
  • PROP: ???
  • SKNX: Old, old lore; looping camcorder footage from a world ago, featuring people who do not exist here.
  • FUKT: ??
  • DETH: ??
  • RLTY: ???
  • FNN: The Big One. Raider names, invasions, and journal completions, broadcast live.
  • QVC: Prices and values, from the Galleria.
  • SCI: Information on recipes and their discoverers.