Working Out
Gym IP System
When you start a new character you get 70 IP points to allocate for stats. You need 100 points to raise a stat a full point. You will gain 70 IP points every mutation slot you gain. (This is 19 levels). Exercise will never increase a stat over 18 raw; this does not include permanent stat modifications (both positive and negative) such as from the mutations Brute Strength or Twitchy Nerves or other temporary changes.
You can exercise as much as you want at anytime you please, as long as you have the gym IP points to spend! Otherwise, it will have no effect.
Basics of Working Out
- Exercise will give you muscle burn; over time, or if you're exerting yourself heavily and very quickly, it will reduce reflexes, endurance and brawn, though the most significant reduction will be to endurance which can drop by a large amount. Muscle burn can be removed by either simply not exerting yourself, resting in a hot tub or by drinking the sports drink jooky, which contains creatine, which slowly reduces muscle burn. Jooky can be purchased in Rolf's Gym, Brucie's Gym or in Eschaton Outfitters in Freedom City. Be warned; too much creatine in your system will give you a creatine headache and slowly cause you to lose health. Pay attention to the exact amount in your system using diag and stay below the danger zone.
- Overexercising will give you a message "You are getting dangerously close to injury" Pay attention to this and stop immediately! If you keep plodding along regardless you risk a groin pull which is quite debilitating and requires the attention of a skilled medic. Just 1 or 2 more reps is enough to cause injury so you need to be paying attention while working out.
- Every single IP allocated to a stat through gymming grants you 1 exp. (The same as grinding a skill. Every IP point spent/gained grants you equal amounts of exp.)
- You gain 5 IP per single 'rep'.
So you've decided that working out sounds like the thing for you, and you want to know where you can do it. Exercise equipment can be found in:
- Slagtown: Rolf's Gym [RG] and Machinae Supremacy [MS]
- Corpclave: Brucie's Gym [BG]
- Gangland: Panopticon Prison
- Necropolis gate: Tae Kwon Do Dojo [TK]
- Slagtown and Corpclave gyms are generally the best places to go. Rolf's and Brucie's also have the advantage of having jooky dispensing machines for easy purchase of the essential beverage, and have a full set of equipment for all 3 physical stats, as well as a climbing wall. To access Brucie's, you must first be able to enter Corpclave.
The equipment is as follows:
- Weight set: Weight training increases your Brawn.
- Rowing machine: Training on this increases your Endurance.
- Speed bag: Training on this increases Reflexes.
- Climbing wall: is a totally different piece of equipment entirely, and serves to give a safe place to work on improving your climbing skills.
If you ever forget which of these machines does what, appraising them will also tell you.
All of these machines can be found in either Rolf's Gym or Brucie's Gym or in Tae Kwon Do Dojo in Necropolis Gate (don't go there).
Rolf's climbing wall has safety equipment that keeps you from being hurt when you fall off. Brucie's does not.
What about cool and senses? How do I raise these?
CvC machine and It's not Jackie Chan' machine arcade machine are found in Machine Supremacy in Slagtown. They require a second character to play (either a player, or most likely Yipes who hangs out there all day)
Bewarned that if you are challenged and do not intend to raise that stat you will still gain IP in it! So be sure to have either spent all your gym IP points before you play if you do not wish to raise the stat in question.
Help! I need to raise my brains, what do I do?
- Wikipedia is the smart way to grind Brains, since it's easily accessible (you need internet access, of course) and safe.
You can find it, surprisingly, in cyberspace.
Some more interesting facts about gymming
For all the physical stat pieces of equipment it's worth noting the following:
- You can adjust tension/weight on physical training equipment via change [equipment] to [1-5]. Brucie's Gym in Corpclave allow setting difficulty to 8. Set the difficulty level accordance with the total of the skill you're levelling - too low or too high and you will have to spend a lot longer in the gym to see any gains, as well as increased muscle burn if you set it to too high.
- One should be wise to update your clone after going to the gym. Griefers are now a lesser problem, but stray hostile NPCs and other trouble can easily come find you after you spent all that time gymming up your stats and training climb! Be careful!
Other ways to gain stats
Although working out is by far the easiest way to increase your stats, it has its limits in just how far you can improve them. Once you have exhausted the possibilities of the exercise machines, you can gain stat points by implants or drugs - though be warned, these boosts are temporary. You may want to take mutations that debuff other stats early on, and then ignore the mutations that buff these non-focused stats until after you've satisfied your ability to grind these stats up and the skills associated with them. This is because, like skills, the lower a raw stat is, the easier it will be to get IP in that stat.