Appraise (Command)

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appraiseing is a highly multipurpose command that finds information about a given target. Its exact behavior depends on what exactly one is targeting. As one may expect, it checks one's Appraise skill.


You take a careful look around Apt 425...
The large hot tub -- extremely relaxing.  [ 56 chill ]
The mahogany cabinet -- not bad.  [ 1 chill ]
The cherry cabinet -- not bad.  [ 1 chill ]
The sewing machine -- outright TACKY.  [ -4 chill ]
The trans flag -- not bad.  [ 1 chill ]
The weapon rack -- insanely kickass.  [ 12 chill ]
The trophy case -- insanely kickass.  [ 38 chill ]
The coffee table -- not bad.  [ 1 chill ]
The long table -- not bad.  [ 1 chill ]
The glass cabinet -- decent.  [ 2 chill ]
The crankomat -- kinda cool.  [ 4 chill ]
The wine rack -- insanely kickass.  [ 20 chill ]
The reef tank -- insanely kickass.  [ 11 chill ]
Unfortunately, it's a completely cluttered disaster area in here.
Overall, Apt 425 seems insanely kickass. [ Total chill: 256 ]
It's about 8m across.

Appraising a room lists everything that contributes to its chill score, as well as its area. (Area doesn't mean much, but for outdoor tiles it sometimes affects what flyers can land where.)


You take a careful look at the green roomba...
The green roomba's a pussy.  You could take it with one arm behind your back.
You can't seem to glean anything else.

Appraising a mob compares your threat rating to the mob's own, giving a very rough estimate of how well one might stack up against it.

You take a careful look at the green roomba...
The green roomba's a pussy.  You could take it with one arm behind your back.
It has no obvious protection.
It does a teensy bit of slashing and bleeding.

On a more difficult appraise check, it also lists the mob's damage soaks and the kinds/amounts of damage it deals.


Vrana's a pussy.  You could take her with one arm behind your back.
You can't seem to glean anything else.
Vrana has no bling to speak of.

Similar to mobs, but with a descriptor of the coolness modifier they get from bling as well.

Toni is an enigma to you.

...Unless, of course, they have Enigma.


You take a careful look at the closet door...
It's very slightly resistant to burning and acid, slightly resistant to beating, a bit resistant to slashing, rather resistant to bullets, quite resistant to stabbing, and immensely resistant to electric, EMP, radiation, bleeding, suffocation, and healing.

Appraising doors lists all the damage types that the door resists.

Smashable Containers

You take a careful look at the glass cabinet...
A glossy, black, plastic-like cabinet with various shelves and a glass door. You can see right through it.
  five bottles of monomer solution [1.0kg]
  a bug egg [5.0kg]
It has no obvious resistance to damage.

Appraising smashable containers prints its description, as well as all the damage types that the container resists... and nothing else, unlike other containers below. This might be an oversight.


You take a careful look at the Blahaj...
A lovable shark with a wide mouthed grin, the national symbol of the Transylvanian Supranation. Oversized by stuffed animal standards, it is has provided reassurance on many long, lonely nights.
It weighs about 800 grams.  It is a stress reducing toy.  You're pretty sure it's worth about $1,000 on the open market.

Appraising an item prints its description, weight, ontological category, and approximate market value. The precision with which one can ascertain the lattermost depends on one's appraise skill. Depending on the exact type of item, it can also have additional effects.

Item Containers

You take a careful look at the trail pack...
A beautiful hand-stitched hiker's backpack, strategically designed to hold the maximum weight in the minimum bulk, distributed across the back and shoulders.  It's made entirely of a resilient dull grey hide, trimmed with fur.
An inscription reads: 'Loot'.
  a rainbow pin [25g]             a gray jumpsuit [1.2kg]
  a violet homespun shirt [400g]
  a gold wire [10g]               an exo plate scrap [1.0kg]
  a plaid pillow [100g]           a flare [100g]
It weighs 1 kg.  It is a backpack.  You're pretty sure it's worth about $1,300 on the open market.
It can hold about 25kg.
It seems extremely efficient for carrying heavy loads.
You think its contents might fetch about $2900 on the market.

Appraising an item container prints its carrying capacity, an approximate measure of its weight multiplier, and the total appraise value of its contents.

Fluid Containers

You take a careful look at the fuel storage tank...
A large cylindrical shaped fuel tank with a frame to both support it and allow it to be secured.
It has a little bubbly yellow liquid, bubbly green liquid, and bubbly orange liquid at the bottom.
It weighs 251 kg.  It is a liquid container.  You're pretty sure it's worth about $25,000 on the open market.
It looks like it could hold a total of 50000 units of liquid.
It's about 0% full.

Appraising a fluid container prints its fluid capacity, as well as giving a description of its contents.

It has 342 units of liquid in it, and is 0% full.

Enough appraise skill allows one to ascertain the exact quantity therein...

It has 120 units of green soda, 114 units of orange soda, and 108 units of yellow soda in it, for a total of 342 units, and is 0% full.

...and with even more, one can make out all the individual fluids as well.


You take a careful look at the zombie leather jacket...
A pale green button-up leather jacket made from zombie hide. Some small, scraggly hairs poke up in places, and every now and then you could swear it moves a bit on its own, as if shivering.
It's undamaged.
It covers the arm, chest, abdomen, and back.
It weighs about 800 grams.  It is a jacket.  You're pretty sure it's worth about $1,750 on the open market.
It's a little resistant to electric and somewhat resistant to beating.
It's fairly thick.
It wouldn't hamper your movement at all.

Appraising armor lists what the armor covers, as well as giving approximate qualitative descriptors of its soaks, thickness, and dodge penalty.


You take a careful look at the krysknife...
A foot-long double-edged crystal blade with a handle of blue leather and yellow paper. Bless the Maker and His water, bless the coming and the going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.
It's heavily modified -- the blade edge glows with a colored luminescence emission module, thick black tape is wrapped around its handle, and the edge is honed razor-sharp.
It's a little dinged up.
It weighs 1 kg.  It is a blade.  You're pretty sure it's worth about $7,730 on the open market.
It's a one-handed weapon requiring skill in blades.
It's a fast weapon.
It seems slightly more accurate than usual.
It does horrendous stabbing, slight slashing, and very slight laser damage.
A skilled fighter could do much, much more damage with this.
Installing a mod on this would be guaranteed for you.
Repairing this would be very easy for you.
You're pretty sure you could learn a thing or two by using this.

Appraising a weapon lists its weapon type and handedness, as well as giving qualitative descriptors of its attack speed, accuracy, damage (and damage types), and skill-scaling. It also gives the difficulty of modding and repairing it, relative to one's own skills, and says whether one's weapon skill is within its skill range.

Medical Gear

You take a careful look at the fungilex hypo...
A hypo filled with advanced retro-adaptive fungicides. It's got four charges left.
It weighs about 100 grams.  It is a medical device.  You're pretty sure it's worthless on the market.
You think it might be a cure for crotchrot.
You're almost positive you could issue it correctly.

Appraising a medical item compares the item's difficulty to one's medical skill. Depending on one's appraise, it can also list one of the conditions the item can treat.

There's also probably more appraise behaviors out there somewhere.