Plant Whisperer (Mutation)

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You gain the ability to freely communicate with plants. Too bad plants are jerks.

Your unique cellular structure makes you more sensitive to weather. A clear sky in the daytime can cure you of revival sickness and relieve stress, but harsher weathers can cause you to contract plant-specific diseases.

You also become infertile.

Skill Modifiers:

* persuade: +1


* pregnancy: 100%

Other effects

Certain entities will stop attacking you, and others will no longer even grab you or call for help when attacked!

Attacking a certain boss or being in the area when the boss is being attacked will cause immense stress however...

Weather Passives

Plant whisperer's are affected, and often afflicted, by weather. Some of the effects are diseases; all diseases can be transmitted between plant whisperers, and all can be cured with a fungilex hypo. Current weather can be ascertained by looking at the sky, and will also usually show on a tile's description if @prefs showdesc is set to 1. Weather can only affect a plant whisperer on outdoors tiles; indoors tiles will never carry effects. All effects have a chance of being applied every heartbeat that the plant whisperer is inside the weather.

What follows is a list of the weathers and their effects:

  • Sunlight, Clear, Windy (during the day): Can recover from revival sickness (this is largely obviated by Iron Liver). If the mutant has Solar Sponge, they will grow less hungry over time.
  • Rain, Drizzle, Thunderstorm: If mutants have solar sponge, they will grow less thirsty.
  • Overcast, Foggy: No effects.
  • Radstorms, Heavy Radstorms (often encountered in the Necropolis): If mutants do not have Silicone Skin, they can be afflicted by radioactive fungus pods, which increase rates of hunger and thirst.
  • Ashstorms (encountered in the Screaming Chasm): The mutant has a chance of developing cancer.
  • Rotwind and Sandstorms (encountered in the Necropolis' Heart and desert zones respectively): If mutants do not have lithodermis, they can develop fungal blight, which inflicts progressively worsening debuffs.
  • Acid Fog (very common in the Necropolis): Can inflict fear on plant whisperers.
  • Snow, Blizzards (very common in Weezer Dam and Weezer Village): If mutants do not have yeti fur, they can develop snow mold, which if left untreated can cause brain damage or mental illness. *These are all not confirmed and have been made less severe on Samsara


Located up the climbs and inside the tree of Crater Forest.