
From SamsaraMOO Wiki
Revision as of 18:07, 16 May 2024 by Llunaco (talk | contribs) (Character description updated)
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Hi, I'm Luna. My character name is lluner. I'm here mostly to fill out the missing pieces and update the wiki as I find things that need it. You can find me in-game as a member of [ FAITH ].

My wiki Contributions.

"An uncanny aura emanates from this girl - as though she is not fully present. Her tangled white hair defies gravity, and her colourless misty eyes gaze upon nothing in particular. 
A manacle and broken chain hangs from her ankle, dangling in the air below her.
Her skin is pale, and you can see the tips of fangs in her mouth."
Website: Github: llunaco Twitter: @llunaco