Abandoned Highway Map

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A low level area outside of Freedom City. Head south from Any Port until you reach the end of the road, then head west until you begin "Traveling". Once you arrive in the chemical plant, head nw across the bridge and follow the path until you're "Traveling" again. When you arrive at Edith's house, try to head w and s as much as possible until you're "Traveling" again. This will take you to the abandoned highway.


  • B05: Killings Fields (climb down to Charnel Pit)
  • C04: Trailer
  • F03: Exit to Lurleen
  • F08: Exit to Country Road
  • G05: Truck Stop Ruins (down to Writhing Smoke mutation)
  • H03: Exit to Phil's Diner
  • P06: Crash Site: Nose
  • P07: Plateau
  • Q06: Up to Crash Site: Fuselage
  • Q07: Crash Site: Fuselage
  • R08: Crash Site: Tail Section, Tail

The main attraction in the southern part of the Abandoned Highway is the Crash Site: an ancient wrecked plane that hasn't yet been picked clean by illustrious scavengers such as you. While every Crash-Site-proper tile pulls from the same loot table, it's also worth noting that the adjacent tiles (O06, O07, P07, Q06, R07, and the upper R08) also have their own smaller, personalized loot tables as well.