Dreams of Below Map

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  01 02 03 04 05 06
A .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .^
B .^ .^ [\ .^ .^ .^
C .^ .^  ] .^ .^
D .^ [] .^ \= // .^
E .^ .^ .^ .^ .^ .^


  • B03: Kitchen (hot stove [Endurance], cooking droid [Cool])
  • C03: Bunker Lounge (magic eye poster [Senses], Go board [Brains])
  • C04: Rec Room (weight bench [Brawn], speed bag [Reflexes])
  • D02: Bunker Barracks (you start here, sleep on the bunks to reset your stats)
  • D04: Corridor (nothing)
  • D05: Mantrap (up to leave the bunker and head out into the 'real' world)