Open Prairie Map

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A wide plain, gone to seed after human habitation stopped. A fading fire road cuts across the land. To the north is a decaying set of buildings and roads, with some strange metal gates set into the ground.

It is rumored that one creature still calls this place home; a massive armored feline has been seen prowling the roads. Some say it's friendly, but no one seems to know for sure.

There is an abandoned nuclear missile silo here (the Colossus Silo). The Open Prairie is also the location of the Carrie mutation.


  • A04: Silo Hatch
  • A04: (down) Silo 3
  • E01: Silo Hatch
  • E01: (down) Silo 2
  • E04: Silo Hatch
  • E04: (down) Silo 1
  • H03: Tarmac
  • H03: (climb down) Exit to Colossus Silo
  • H06: Wrecked Bus
  • H06: (in) On the Bus
  • J03: Pillbox
  • J03: (down) In the Pillbox
  • K08: Exit to Mountain Pass
  • M05: Fire Pit (Carrie mutation)
  • M07: Path is blocked
  • N03: Exit to Weezer Dam
  • O07: Exit to Beatrice Acres