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This is a template for quickly outlining the upgrade path and incompatibilities of Tier 1 movement mutations. It should be placed in the introduction of each tier one movement mutation page (Leapfrog, Phaser and Clairvoyance).

Appearance and Usage

The T1MovementMut template will appear as a pre-written sentence, filled in with missing words of the editor's choosing; these words are altered by using arguments with the template. This ensures uniformity and easy readability across all Tier 1 movement mutation pages.

The arguments should be structured thus:

   {{T1MovementMut|Mutation|Mutation's Tier 2 Upgrade|Incompatible mutation #1|Incompatible mutation #2}}.

Below is the example used on the Leapfrog page, with added numbers to highlight the arguments:

"Leapfrog is a movement mutation. Its upgrade is Flight, and taking Leapfrog will bar characters from taking Phaser, Clairvoyance and their associated upgrades."

This example was constructed with the following MediaWiki code:


The template will automatically hyperlink all relevant pages in their fields.