
I'm Crisis, I've been playing Hellcore games on and off since 2010, initially I started playing when HellMOO was running until 2014 and had a few years where I took a break. Recently I've returned in 2023, and help to actively develop pages for the Samsara wiki. Some of my old artwork can be found on the archived HellMOO wiki which I have tried to preserve, if my name sounds familiar at all, stop by and say hello some time, I'm always trying to regain lost friends that I used to play with many years ago.
During my time on HellMOO, I actively helped with the Wikipedia and created several articles to aid and assist newer players, I also host my own website with a variety of different resources compiled over the years by players of HellMOO and SamsaraMOO called Samsara Masterlist, this can be found here.
Corp History:
CHILL | 2010 - 2011.
KREW | 2011 - 2012.
TIGER | 2012 - 2014.
VIOLET | 2023 - Current.