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Revision as of 23:25, 20 April 2024 by Crisis (talk | contribs) (→‎Updates to new jobs.: new section)
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Latest comment: 20 April by Crisis in topic Updates to new jobs.
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Updates to new jobs.

teacher's pet        150 XP  25 IP  teach      slagtown (NEW)

false flag defender  200 XP  20 IP  linguist   freedom city (NEW)

toxic terrier        200 XP                    carcinoma (NEW)

gladiator            200 XP                    colosseum (NEW)

resistance runner    200 XP  20 IP  torture    carcinoma (NEW)

stem major           250 XP                    carcinoma (NEW)

Carcinoma defender   300 XP                    carcinoma (NEW)

capitalism ho!       400 XP  20 IP  bombs      macero (NEW)

The above jobs need more information on what the tasks entail. As I haven't discovered them, I can't provide further descriptions. Crisis (talk) 23:25, 20 April 2024 (EDT)Reply[reply]