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Today I didn't even have to use my AK

I got to say, it was a good day

Chiller is a focus mutation that's mutually exclusive with Carrie and Solar Sponge. Its main draw is the combat ability it grants, which gives high-level Focus users the ability to debuff and damage opponents.


North of the entrance to Fort Griam, which is northeast of Weezer Dam.


-5 degrees body temperature.
Gain stress when hot.
freeze command: freeze enemies for damage and debuffs.
freeze can also be used to preserve items in ice. 

Mechanics (If applicable)

Players with the "Chiller" mutation can utilize the freeze command on either an enemy (while in combat) or on items. When utilized on an enemy, it applies a strong debuff damaging the player, and debuffing them.

Using the freeze command on an item encases it in a block of ice. This is particularly useful for preventing items such as food from degrading.


  • The freeze attack debuffs hard - around 25 stacks (~2 attacks), the target receives -5 on Brawn/End/Reflex. On top of that, stacks decay very slowly and inflict increasing cold damage each heartbeat (12+ is easily possible).
  • To build chill stacks up quickly, you'll need to have high focus (around 40 seems effective).
  • From a utility side, being able to cool other players or yourself by covering them in antifreeze vomit is useful. Freezing items also isn't bad - you'll never need to bring a kidney cooler again.
  • Having Yeti Fur will also amplify Chiller's effect by about 10 Focus points. Do note that Chiller will not decrease the higher passive temperature given by yeti fur.


  • Chiller probably needs higher focus (35+) than any other mutation to work effectively.
  • Not being able to get Carrie or Solar Sponge can be a serious problem for people who want to fight gunners or need fire soaks. Besides, chill damage isn't as consistent as burn damage is.
  • Being colder all the time might become a problem, especially since freezing to death outside of the Weezer area becomes possible. Yeti Skin cancels this out, but this removes a valuable soak slot and you'll have the issue of having to keep cool in hot areas.
  • You'll take stress per heartbeat when hot; this ranges from about 5 at 28°C to over 150 at 260°C.
    • This can be countered by wearing dishdashas, chugging water, vomiting on yourself, or wearing a hostile environment suit.


This mutation will add a line to your description:

His/Her/Its breath condensates in the air.

Your vomiting message will also be changed:

SamsaraRocks! projectile vomits a green liquid all over you.

Should you vomit (or suffer an abdomen hit) without having anything to throw up, your gag message will be different:

SamsaraRocks! gags and small ice crystals form around his mouth.

Finally, should you vomit your special goop onto anyone or yourself, it will look different from normal vomit:

SamsaraRocks! is completely coated in half-digested goo and a steaming substance.