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Revision as of 17:56, 29 April 2024 by Crisis (talk | contribs) (Updated appearance.)
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A cellular restructuring of your skin leaves it resistant to slashing damage.


Snakeskin is at the very northern end of the Mall in Gangland which is home to a variety of hostile zombies, this can be dangerous to low-level and unprepared players. The mutation is on the Men's Department tile, to the west the clothing store.


Slashing: +2 - +4 
Stabbing: +1 - +3 


  • Slash / Stab Soaks - These two damage types are the very common with standard enemies.
  • Useful to Zombies - Due to Zombie's low soak to Slash / Stab, this can compliment some niche builds.


  • Slash / Stab Soaks - This is a double-edged sword, Slash and Stab soaks are commonly found on a lot of armor pieces, so this may not be as good as it sounds on paper, especially considering no mutations really suffer with penalties to either.


%S has patches of scales on %p skin.