High density

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Revision as of 05:15, 10 March 2024 by Bbihah (talk | contribs) (Created page with "An increased density of tissue and bones that makes it more resistant to impact damage. Armor Modifiers: <nowiki>*</nowiki> beating: +3 - +5 <nowiki>*</nowiki> bullets: +1 - +4 === Location === The mutation spot can be found in Maas Neotek under the Medgentech Kiosk. To get into the mutation spot you have to Search while on the tile and then crawl down under the kiosk.")
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An increased density of tissue and bones that makes it more resistant to impact damage.

Armor Modifiers:

* beating: +3 - +5

* bullets: +1 - +4


The mutation spot can be found in Maas Neotek under the Medgentech Kiosk. To get into the mutation spot you have to Search while on the tile and then crawl down under the kiosk.