High density

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The way I see it, everyone has to take a beating sometimes.

High Density is a soak mutation that adds Beat and Bullet soaks. It's also the prequisite for Lithodermis.


High Density is in Maas Neotek, at the Medgentech Kiosk. See MK on the map. From there, search and head down. You may run into hepcats in this area, which are dangerous to low-level players; usually, it's possible to run past them.


This mutation grants:

    +3-5 beat resistance
    +1-4 bullet resistance


Negative beat soak offsets
Nimble Fingers and Leapfrog both give negative beat soak. High Density does offset these disadvantages, but this damage is often better avoided in the early and mid-game. However, late-game nimble-fingered mutants without High Density can have extra difficulty with junkers, some PvP, and the Skydock.
  • 3-5 beat soak. Beat is a mildly uncommon damage type in PvE (outside of the early game), but does crop up with junkers and some other mobs. In PvP, beat is more common, so this soak is medium- to high-value.
  • 1-4 bullet soak. PvE bullet damage is rare outside of optional areas such as the Skydock and Glowstiller, but in PvP, this is probably the most common damage type in the game. However, when you are facing guns you'll either be armored to the teeth (making 1-4 superfluous), or else caught off-guard without soaks or with elemental damage (in which case 1-4 won't do much), so this is a low- to moderate-value soak.


  • Takes a valuable skin mutation slot.


High Density does not make any changes to a character's appearance.

Racial Mutations AbominationChudHideous FreakVampireZombie
Focus Mutations CarrieChillerFuck MachineSalamanderScreechWrithing SmokeEmpath
Movement Mutations LeapfrogPhaserClairvoyance
Soak Mutations High DensityFirewalkerRubberskinSnakeskinYeti Skin
LithodermisSolar SpongeSilicone SkinEelskinYeti Fur
Miscellaneous Mutations BillygoatBleederBloodhoundBrainslugBrute StrengthCamelfatEnigmaFibrocartilageHooliganHyperimmuneIron LiverJunkratMuleNimble FingersPlant WhispererStenchTwitchy NervesSuperclotXray VisionCat Ears
Ripperlikes CarcinocudgelHorrorspikeRipperTendrils
Joke Mutations Third Nipple
Defunct Mutations Jammer