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Revision as of 09:43, 18 May 2024 by Llunaco (talk | contribs) (Added Saffron Robe and fixed incorrect names of NPCs)
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Trophies are special items obtained by either looted, stripped or butchered from bosses and certain NPCs or awarded on completion of certain jobs.

They are often collected and stored in a trophy case which works in a similar manner to collecting trading cards in a trading card case, adding comfort to a room for de-stressing, depending on how impressive the total collection is. Players may also choose to install a trophy room dedicated to showing off their collection. Both the trophy case and trophy room kit can be purchase at Ye Olde Victrola in Corpclave.

Where to find trophies

There are currently 65 trophies in the game according to the trophy case, and this list is incomplete. Some of these may not be implemented into Samsara or otherwise be unobtainable currently, take this with a grain of salt.

Name Description in trophy case How to obtain Location
Alligator mask An alligator mask is pegged above a shelf inside of the case. Space Pope Sharpton Maze
Amber sunglasses A pair of amber sunglasses are lying on a shelf in the case. Care Dog Any Port
Bible A tarnished bible is lying on a shelf inside of the case. Father Sam/Bookstore/Random find Father Sam wanders Greater FC
Big NASCAR mug A large red mug sits on a shelf inside of the case. Grandpappy Glowstiller
Bird cage A frame cage is hanging against the back of the case. Ghost Dog Gangland
Black tongue A fat tongue is pinned to a strip on a shelf of the case. Boss Hogg Chemical Plant
Bloodied fang necklace A necklace of fangs is pegged up in the case. Tyrone Belmont Wanders the world, often found in greater FC, spawns in Lurleen
Broken wristpad Hawthorn ???
Bug egg A giant egg is rested on a stand inside of the case. Bug Queen Sewers
Chain collar A chain is hanging up in the back of the case. Boozer Crackhouse
Charred photograph A blackened photograph lies on a shelf inside of the case. Rock Hardplace Gangland, Fire Station
Coarse robe A coarse robe is hanging up in the back of the case. Guru Mt. Fisty
Coin Slot A black coin slot has been placed on a shelf inside of the case. Angry Soda Machine Abandoned Highway
Copper pipe A pipe mottled with sewer material rests on a shelf inside of the case. Charnold Sewers
Crown of thorns A large ring of thorns is hanging up in the back of the case. Jesus Wanders entire map, respawns in Clone Arrangers, FC
Deadpool's face mask Deadpool's face mask is propped on a wooden face, with it's blank eyes staring at you. Shadow Deadpool Apt. 204 in Necropolis Heart
Deathshead A deathshead is hanging on a peg in the back of the case. Crafted, can also appear as loot from Cerberus
Deathsuit A deathsuit is hanging in all of its alien glory inside of the case. Crafted, and a reward from the Null's Salvation journal
Elongated fang A particularly long fang is lying on a shelf inside of the case. -Vampire Masters. Vampire Masters Wandering Slagtown and Shoreline
Enlarged grinch heart A large, slowly throbbing heart sits on the shelf inside the trophy case The Grinch Greater FC Area
Exhaust cylinder A blackened exhaust pipe is lying on a shelf inside of the case. Truckasaurus Crater Rim
Exo plate scrap An exo plate scrap is resting in the case Raider Bosses ???
Fancy fedora A dapper fedora is hanging on a peg at the back of the case. Hepcat Burroughs Maas Neotek
Fearsome hound collar A gigantic filthy dog collar is hanging from a peg in a prominent location. Cerberus Coventry Island
Fine katana A sleek looking katana is placed upon a stand on a shelf inside of the case. Roshi Heihachi Kakuri Monastery
Fist-sized ruby A big ruby is sitting on a shelf inside of the case. Chimaera Aphotic Grotto
Forest seed A small red seed is lying on a shelf inside of the case. Forest Heart Crater Forest
Ghost dord VHS tape An ominous vhs tape titled 'ghost dord' sits inside the case. Say "dord" three times in Any Port bathroom Any Port
Giant Eyeball A large, yellow eyeball has been placed on a shelf inside of the case. Deep One Abomination Sealab
Giant prostate gland of Gheydorah A huge fucking prostate gland has been dumped on to a shelf inside of the case. Gheydora Skullcano!
Golden badge An officer's badge is sprawled open on a shelf inside of the case. McBain Greater FC
Golden bauble A golden bauble is lying on a shelf in the case. Captain Wei Pirate Ship
Hosaka daikatana The hosaka daikatana is hanging lengthwise on the inside of the case. Usagi Yojimbo Necropolis Gate and Adamant Canyon
Karnivore gangleader jacket A kickass karnivore gangleader jacket is folded up on a shelf. Lord Belding Nukem Academy
Microphone A gray microphone is lying on a shelf inside of the case. Savage Michael Stormfront Island
Moon pie A moon pie is sitting on a shelf inside of the case. Mmm... Moon pie machine - Portal gun the sky and hit the moon Moon
Origami [Name] A folded origami sculpture is adorned atop a shelf inside of the case. Liberator quest reward. Botany Bay
Pair of chukka horns A small pair of horns are lying on a shelf inside of the case. Chukka Zulu Crater Rim
Pair of queen mandibles A pair of large, shiny mandibles are hanging against the back of the case. Ant Queen Subterranean Colony
Patchwork nanotube suit An exceedingly large matte black suit is folded up on a shelf. Remington Coventry Island
Pile of old bandages A gross mass of bandages has been slumped in the case. Dan Asty Wanders
Poem picture Padre Hawg is featured raving drunkenly in a picture displayed in the case. Padre Hawg New Clearwater
Punisher's suit A black, full-body suit is folded and lying on a shelf inside of the case. Punisher Greater FC Area
Red headband A crimson headband is hung on a peg inside of the case. Chambocabra Sky
RIP-4 shiver axe A RIP-4 shiver axe is secured in the case. Punisher Greater FC Area
Robes of the lambs A thick, velvet set of robes is hanging on a peg at the back of the case. Prchr Open Prairie, Church
Saffron Robe Buddha Wanders entire map
Samaritan The samaritan stands up on a shelf against the back of the case. Hellboy Necropolis
Set of balls Four balls are sitting side-to-side inside of the case. They lie precariously on the edge of a shelf. Johnny Fiveaces Slagtown
Set of rotten talons Several blood-stained talons are hanging against the back of the case. Four-Armed Zombie Bradbury Basement
Small tusk A small yellow tusk is gleaming on a shelf inside of the case Propecia Crack Mansion
Spawner tentacle A gooey tentacle is pinned up in the back of the case. Tentacle Spawner Slagtown, in St. God's Memorial Hospital
Spider brain A lumpy mound of flesh, in the shape of a brain, is slumped on a shelf in the case. Spider Mastermind LB3
Supervisor nametag A white plastic nametag sits inside the case. Supervisor Marco Diablo Seco
Tiny skeleton A little skeleton is propped up against the back of the case. Shoggoth Under Orphanage
USA flag A red, white, and blue flag is strung up in the back of the case. EEE Delivery Job completion Express Export Expeditions in Freedom City
War-torn camera An old, war-torn camera sits on one of the shelves. Frank West's quest reward Gangland Mall
White beak A large beak rests on a shelf inside of the case. Kraken Watery Fissure
Woman mask A skin mask made from a woman is hanging above a shelf inside of the case. Moms, found in Firewalker mutation spot Sharpton Interior
Wooden pipe A wooden smoking pipe is lying on its side in the case. Dad, a boss who appears during Edith's Dolly journal. Edith's house
Worm-eaten diary An old and ragged worm-eaten diary rests on a shelf. Scavenged behind a locked door in the Warden's Residence Coventry Island