Tortuga Island

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Revision as of 21:33, 10 June 2024 by Chara (talk | contribs) (mreh.)
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  • E12: Governor's Mansion (nothing here)
  • F07: Down: Beneath Tortuga
  • F08: Fucking Annoying Pitfall Trap
  • H04: Pirate Supplies
  • H05: Helipad (entirely non-functional)
  • I03: Row of Tarpaper Shacks (???)
  • I08: In: Shore Thing
  • J03: Import/Export Office (nothing here either)
  • J05: Auction House (slave driver job)
  • L04: Overgrown Pier

Tortuga is a boat-only island with a fucking annoying job, a fucking annoying tunnel with a fucking annoying boss, and nothing else whatsoever. There's really no good reason to come here. (No, the journals and job XP don't count as good reasons.)