Camp Benjamin

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Welcome to Camp Benjamin! The last outpost before the abomination stronghold that is Necropolis. You can reach this place in the western part of Southern Necropolis. It is marked as BJ on the map. Abominations or Freaks entering will be electrocuted and killed! FCEF scouts and personal have no sympathy for them and will attack on sight. If you are a staunch fighter for the humans of the world then you will eventually gain points with the Freedom City Expeditionary Force. This allows you to buy from their specialized shops. How many points you need is listed next to the item, and it will highlight in green if you're eligible for purchases. Some of the inhabitants also have jobs for you, so ask around.

Bug, in the Armory sells:

Shotgun Shells:

an incendiary shell (750)               $    360 (20 in stock)      
a slug shell (750)                      $    500 (20 in stock)      
an electric shell (750)                 $    480 (20 in stock)      
a bolo shell (750)                      $    440 (20 in stock)      


a powersquirt (250)                     $  6,150 (2 in stock)       


an Illuminol(tm) powersquirt clip (250) $    250 (4 in stock)       
a 12mm clip (500)                       $    360 (3 in stock)       
a 7.62 tsap clip (500)                  $    300 (3 in stock)       
a 7.62mm iceblox clip (500)             $    300 (3 in stock)       
a 5.8 tsap magazine (500)               $    360 (3 in stock)       
a 5.8mm iceblox magazine (500)          $    360 (3 in stock)       
a 7.62 thumper clip (500)               $    360 (3 in stock)       
a 7.62 blacktalon clip (500)            $    360 (3 in stock)       
a 5.8mm blacktalon magazine (500)       $    420 (3 in stock)       
a 5.8mm thumper magazine (500)          $    420 (3 in stock)       
a 12mm ChudStopper clip (600)           $  1,200 (2 in stock)

Sparq, in Payeks sells:


a canteen (100)                         $     60 (3 in stock)       
a medium trauma kit (250)               $    150 (3 in stock)       
a gas mask (100)                        $    420 (3 in stock)       
a mortilex hypo (100)                   $    450 (2 in stock)       
a nanite healer (500)                   $    900 (3 in stock)