Weezer Sewers

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Located beneath Weezer Village, Weezer's sewers are similar to Freedom City's sewers. This zone is most frequently visited by players who want to see Meatwad.


  • Darkness is present on all tiles of the sewers, so explorers will need a light source.
  • Sewer goop is present on all tiles; navigating the sewers will cover people in piss and vomit.
  • Meatwad is set up here to the far southwest of the network. He will install implants on anyone, including hideous freaks who can't use Dr. Nick in FC. He's a little more expensive than Nick.
  • The Drug Pit is to the northwest of the sewers, tended by Trench. It sells drug paraphernalia, weed, and viagra.


  • Rejected clones sit around here, emoting dumb things. They have no soaks and are not aggressive, but are notable for having extremely high brawn. They can break out of an endgame grab quickly, and can hit for 20+ beat damage on a fist attack.
  • Chet is hidden here. He hits very hard but is weak in every other respect to any player over 80k or so.
  • Ripperscrubs are not native to this zone, but will spawn here if a ripperscrub invasion contract is signed. They have no soaks, but their claws have a high crit rate, they can feint, grab and pow, and they also bleed acid blood when attacked. Their presence here is the main reason the contract is so unpopular; they often clump up in aggressive groups of four or five in the sewers, which can easily chain crowd-control and chain crit any character that stands to gain XP from them.