Birchwood Heights

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Warning: All travel through this ghost town is strongly discouraged due to an unimpenetrable fog that has surrounded it.

Birchwood Heights is a small suburb to the north-east of Birchwood. The area is filled with a thick fog, preventing you from looking into other tiles. Attempting to view your map yields "Nothing but static", you are however able to view your map while inside the Elementary School.

Rompers can be found here, a lot of them. Rompers are featureless, humanoid creatures that wield huge scissors and like to gang up on you. However, they aren't particularly hard to kill, and their damage is quite easy to soak. Contrary to popular belief they are not ghosts, and thus cannot be captured using ghost traps. The area is also notable for a particularly high chance of spawning Great Old Ones.

Dahlia Gillespie is inside the Elementary School, talking with her allows you to begin the Family Counselling quest.