Fuck Machine

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A thickening of the genitals gives you awesome powers of fuckin'!  Too bad the enlarged tissue gets in the way a bit when climbing.

Skill Modifiers:

* climb: -1

* cool: +1

* fuck: +4


This mutation grants:

   +1 Cool
   +4 Fuck
   -1 Climb
   fant*asize command: use focus to get horny.
   cum command: use focus to immediately orgasm, or augment and accelerate an impending one.
   engorge command: instantly grow a penis.
   subsume command: instantly grow a vagina.
   blossom command: instantly grow some tits.
   flatten command: instantly remove your tits.
   compress command: instantly remove your genitals.
   Size bonus to breasts and penis.


  • +1 Cool. The non-opportunity cost for this mutation is negligible, so it's a free stat.
  • Utility for focus-havers. Being able to easily toggle horny means one can reap all its upsides while also negating its downsides.
  • Gender. For some people, the quick and easy intrinsic access to the options that mutation provides is a concept that is incredibly gender. (It's the closest that Samsara's jank codebase can offer to a Salmacian genital layout, for instance.) If you're one of those, please don't let me dissuade you from picking it.
  • Pre-requisite for Abomination. While not the most popular or powerful of racial mutations, Abomination does require mutants to have Fuck Machine before they can get it. While this is an advantage of Fuck Machine, some players find it to be a disadvantage for Abomination.


  • Focus-dependent. Though fantasizing is relatively consistent, someone with zero focus investment will generally not be able to cum.
  • Replacable. You want a thing to inflict boners on command? It's called Viagra and porn. You want a thing to treat boners on command? It's called an inflatable sheep. You want someone to remove boners on command? Ey're called Doctor Beta.
  • Opportunity cost. You're trading an entire mutation slot for a small stat buff and the ability to do these things.


In Maas Neotek, in the Baumann-Ritchie Club for Gentlemen on the upper-most floor.

Racial Mutations AbominationChudHideous FreakVampireZombie
Focus Mutations CarrieChillerFuck MachineSalamanderScreechWrithing SmokeEmpath
Movement Mutations LeapfrogPhaserClairvoyance
Soak Mutations High DensityFirewalkerRubberskinSnakeskinYeti Skin
LithodermisSolar SpongeSilicone SkinEelskinYeti Fur
Miscellaneous Mutations BillygoatBleederBloodhoundBrainslugBrute StrengthCamelfatEnigmaFibrocartilageHooliganHyperimmuneIron LiverJunkratMuleNimble FingersPlant WhispererStenchTwitchy NervesSuperclotXray VisionCat Ears
Ripperlikes CarcinocudgelHorrorspikeRipperTendrils
Joke Mutations Third Nipple
Defunct Mutations Jammer