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Push it to the limit, dun-duuun...

Fibrocartilage is a mutation that increases max HP by 5.


Fibrocartilage is located underneath the orphanage, in the Shoggoth's Lair. Several of the zone's tiles inflict fear, so bring alcohol for fear immunity.


This mutation grants:

    Passive: +5 max HP
    Passive: Higher endocrine booster success rate
    Passive: +95% resistance to rejuvex


  • +5 Max health. This is extremely high value; 5 extra HP can very frequently mean the difference between life and death.
  • Higher endocrine booster success rate. On average, Fibrocartilage mutants will need about 30% less endocrine booster to max their HP, saving their money.


  • +95% resistance to rejuvex. This makes removing clone age substantially more difficult, but not impossible. Even then, it's generally not a significant downside; age is easy to reset by rerolling, and if one really doesn't want to reroll, one can temporarily demutate Fibrocartilage to get around it anyway.


This mutation does not alter a character's appearance.

Racial Mutations AbominationChudHideous FreakVampireZombie
Focus Mutations CarrieChillerFuck MachineSalamanderScreechWrithing SmokeEmpath
Movement Mutations LeapfrogPhaserClairvoyance
Soak Mutations High DensityFirewalkerRubberskinSnakeskinYeti Skin
LithodermisSolar SpongeSilicone SkinEelskinYeti Fur
Miscellaneous Mutations BillygoatBleederBloodhoundBrainslugBrute StrengthCamelfatEnigmaFibrocartilageHooliganHyperimmuneIron LiverJunkratMuleNimble FingersPlant WhispererStenchTwitchy NervesSuperclotXray VisionCat Ears
Ripperlikes CarcinocudgelHorrorspikeRipperTendrils
Joke Mutations Third Nipple
Defunct Mutations Jammer