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A cellular restructuring of your skin leaves it resistant to slashing damage.


Snakeskin is at the very northern end of the Mall in Gangland which is home to a variety of hostile zombies, this can be dangerous to low-level and unprepared players. The mutation is on the Men's Department tile, to the west the clothing store.


Slashing: +2 - +4 
Stabbing: +1 - +3 


  • Slash / Stab Soaks - These two damage types are the very common with standard enemies.
  • Useful to Zombies - Due to Zombie's low soak to Slash / Stab, this can compliment some niche builds.


  • Slash / Stab Soaks - This is a double-edged sword, Slash and Stab soaks are commonly found on a lot of armor pieces, so this may not be as good as it sounds on paper, especially considering no mutations really suffer with penalties to either.


This mutation adds the following line to a character's appearance:

%S has patches of scales on %p skin.

Racial Mutations AbominationChudHideous FreakVampireZombie
Focus Mutations CarrieChillerFuck MachineSalamanderScreechWrithing SmokeEmpath
Movement Mutations LeapfrogPhaserClairvoyance
Soak Mutations High DensityFirewalkerRubberskinSnakeskinYeti Skin
LithodermisSolar SpongeSilicone SkinEelskinYeti Fur
Miscellaneous Mutations BillygoatBleederBloodhoundBrainslugBrute StrengthCamelfatEnigmaFibrocartilageHooliganHyperimmuneIron LiverJunkratMuleNimble FingersPlant WhispererStenchTwitchy NervesSuperclotXray VisionCat Ears
Ripperlikes CarcinocudgelHorrorspikeRipperTendrils
Joke Mutations Third Nipple
Defunct Mutations Jammer